Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 17 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Sewing Project

For Day 17 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! I chose to make a tank-top from scratch using new sewing techniques.

I've been sewing for some time now, but have only mastered the art of remaking/restyling already made clothing. I can also make simple things such as neck warmers, pillow cases, curtains etc. The tank-top project, required me to buy a double needle, learn to use the double needle and sew with flexible cotton knit fabric. All of those new elements proved to be quite an AWESOME! challenge.

First and foremost, I looked to YouTube for some helpful instruction.

Next I found the courage to cut the fabric. I used a tank top as a pattern.
Next I set up my machine by a bright window.
I switched my regular needle for the double needle.
Now I threaded two spools of thread. Still only one bobbin.
Practice stitching to dial in the tension setting.
It took me a LONG time to dial in that tension setting...
Halfway done, my roommate Becca Babicz models the tank-top. It looked so much like a dress on her, she added some high heels!
I experimented with ways to add detailing. (look closely and you can see where I tired using a lighter to finish the edges of my hem so it wouldn't fray. Oops bad idea, I had a mini fire panic moment.)
In this photo you can see a hair straightener at the top of the table... We don't have an iron, so I made due.
Finished product on this hot male model.
Reid Persing looking all sorts of hip.
Close up on the finished detailing.
I left the neck line and bottom hem "organic" for a signature touch.
I learned many things while working on this project. Most all my lessons pointed me towards buying the correct equipment for each sewing project. I needed an iron and large table to make cutting more precise. I also needed a new sewing foot made for light weight cotton fabrics. This would have prevented the stretching of fabric while hemming.

Check out the other ladies of 30 Days Of AWESOME! to see how my posts hold up...

Day 16 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Flippin' out!

For the 16th day of 30 Days Of AWESOME! I made pancakes... gluten-free, egg-free pancakes... gluten-free, egg-free BANANA pancakes. Yummmmm

I eat banana pancakes at least once a week with my boyfriend Reid Persing. He makes the best hotcakes around! On this particular day however, I was without Reid the pancake Guru. I found myself alone in the kitchen and tempted to film flipping my banana pancake. I have been working on the art of flipping food in a pan without utensils for most of my life. Seeing the pros cook like this, made me want to join that club. Here is the first day I EVER flipped a pancake without fumble. Hard work pays off. Seems I'm now in The Club!


The flips caught on tape in movie below...

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 15 of AWESOME! - Utah Arts Festival

For Day 15 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! I went to the Utah Arts Festival. There was music, food, and crafts made by local artists. It was a great way to spend a sunny Sunday!

Riding your bike got you a 20% discount on your entrance fee. There was a bike valet, super AWESOME!
Here are a few of my favorites...
Left: Spray paint and stencil. Right: Acrylic on wood.
Spray paint on a toilet seat... gotta love functional art!
Artist and masterpiece.
Acrylic on canvas.
Freehand spray paint.
A classic combination, skiing and the Grateful Dead!
My mom would love this one!
The Mini Top Hat booth. "Hats off to you."
Children's art, collage dragon.
Me getting attacked by the Rainbow Dragon.
This piece was some sort of paint and glass combination. Stunning!
Yard art... love these!
Hand crafted wood.
Wood and copper.
Welded metals.
Recycled Dino made out of aluminum cans.

Bikes, art and good company. I couldn't ask for a more AWESOME! day.

If you want more awesome, check out the other ladies of "30 Days Of AWESOME!" here...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Day 14 of AWESOME! - Planking

Planking is an internet phenomena that came from Australia. It has spread like wildfire, and now people all over the world are doing it. They even have a "Planking Association."
I thought I'd get in on the craze for my Day 14 of 30 Days Of AWESOME!

Below is a video explaining Planking and the controversy it created.

"To Plank, or not to Plank? That is the question."
Reid Persing, Abbie Luman and I decided, YES we will!

Hope you get as many giggles out of our Planking as we did.
Golf Course-Plank
Fire Hydrant-Plank
Picnic Table-Plank
Another Dub-Plank
Abbie EXTREME-Plank


The Oregon Country Fair... Day 5-13 of 30 Days Of AWESOME!

Original post June 22, 2011
"Hello All, and apologies for my belated blogging. I was camping in the woods outside of Eugene, OR for a week with no Internet. I will be posting day 5-13 of AWESOME! soon.

The Oregon Country Fair is the hardest thing to sum up with words...

For Day 5 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! I walked around the Fair-site (the land on which the event takes place) and captured images of this Oregon riverside void of people. This peaceful setting only last until workers and participants show up.
Here is a photo gallery of the magic that lingers from last years Oregon Country Fair.
I have been attending the OCF for a long long time. My mom has taken my brother and I since we were youngsters. We have had the privilege of working Pre-Fair (which is: The month leading up to the event, around 300 people volunteer their time and creativity to set up and make the festival happen.)
These volunteers do everything from Mechanic works...
to Construction and the reconstruction of booths, stages, benches, tables, bathrooms...
some people work creating art to decorate the land with...
the Water Crew makes sure dust doesn't take over the event.
There are many crews I've yet to name, but let's skip right to the Kitchen Crew...
Our outdoor kitchen ^
I am known at Pre-Fair as the "drinks girl." I am one of a handful of ladies that brews tea, juice and coffee all day. We hydrate the workers and spice up their cups with inventive blends.
The kitchen uses all Organic and local produce... below is the OFC garden located on site.

Our food is DELICIOUS!
There are dirt paths that lead to everything...
Volunteers and vendors camp on site. Here is a camp spot tucked away in the trees. The mailbox gives them away.
Everything on site is ART! From the benches...

to the structures...

to the stages.

Here is what the vendor paths look like...
The"Ritz" saunas, tubs and showers.

Magic happens on this land.
Here I am with a dragonfly perched on my shoulder. He decided to hangout with me a while.
My friend the frog... joined us while basking in the sun.
My week at the OCF site was AMAZINGLY AWESOME! and BUSY BUSY BUSY.

Catching up...

Day 6 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Midnight gluten-free waffles from scratch with 10 friends!
Day 7 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Made chocolate syrup and orange syrup from scratch.
Day 8 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Outdoor movie (True Grit) projected onto a barn and visible from the sauna window!
Day 9 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Being lead around in a wooden push-cart with blankets and pillows.
Day 10 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Singing "Jukebox Hero" with a live band!
Day 11 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Sleeping all night in a "Cuddle Puddle" of my friends.
Day 12 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Creating my very own signature tea/juice brew. (All from scratch) Cucumber/Mint infused water+Sweet Ginger Brew (agave and boiled ginger tea)+Lime Juice= "Angeli's AWESOME! Brew"
Day 13 of 30 Days Of AWESOME! - Eating salad w/ 2 meals/day for a week straight.