Saturday, July 31, 2010

Summertime drinks...

~After spending a month in Alaska, 2 weeks at Mt. Baker, WA and a month in Mammoth, CA skiing, I was ready for a short break from the ski world. A change of scenery always gives me a chance to pursue other passions and meet people outside of the mountains. I cherish these breaks in between skiing adventures because they deepen my appreciation for all walks of life, as well as recharge my batteries and excitement for skiing.

Me on top of a heli line in AK

Mt. Baker Road Gap

In May I was offered a job by a family friend, to work for pre-fair at the Oregon Country Fair site. For those of you whom have yet to experience the Oregon Country Fair, I will do my best to sum it up.

Think: 3 days in July of music, art, handmade food and crafts, theater, circus, beautiful land by a river and a bunch of happy hippies.

I have been attending this festival with my family since I was young, but skipped a handful of years for sports and summer adventures. In the years away, I had forgotten the magic of this festival and the last month of my life was truly like COMING HOME...

My home in Veneta, OR

For all of June and the beginning of July I worked right outside of Eugene, OR, in a little town called Veneta. My job was in an outdoor organic kitchen that fed the crews building the festival. I got to dabble in all areas of kitchen work but found my niche at the drinks bar.
I spent most my days mixing and boiling healthy and delicious drinks. I made everything from chai tea, to cold water infusion coffee, to watermelon juice. And when I say "made", I mean from scratch.

The beauty of my job was the freedom to create whatever drink I dreamed up.

In the next few blogs I will share some secret recipes and new ideas for summer drinks.

So, from me to you... Yummy liquids :-)

Drink 1:

Ginger Lemonade (simple yet perfect for a hot or chilly day)

Grate ginger (skin and all) and place in a pot with water (amounts depends on how strong and the quantity of tea you want.)

Boil ginger for 30 min. (you can reuse ginger one more time before composting.)

Let ginger tea cool...

(You can either squeeze lemons or use lemon concentrate for the next part)
Squeeze a bunch of lemons and mix with ginger tea.

Add agave or organic cane sugar to taste.

Add water if brew is too strong.

Serve HOT or COLD.
Easy as 1, 2, 3 and extremely good for the digestive system and immune system.

Enjoy :-)

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Twitter take over...


Joining Twitter ( has made it far easier to update everyone on my travels, adventures and interesting thoughts/ideas... however, this has left a gap in my blogging. I hope to change that this month by sharing a blog every few days.

Let the blogging begin!