Saturday, September 11, 2010

Katal Inc.

This spring I was in my favorite place to spend the month of May, Mammoth Lakes, CA.

With rock climbing galore, mountain biking, great people, delicious food and not to mention plenty of snow to provide the best spring park and halfpipe around, Mammoth Lakes has it all. I spent a few weeks with Kristi Leskinen hitting the Katal Inc. Landing Pad. I was able to work on new tricks and inverts for the first time, to prepare myself for progression in park and halfpipe. Kristi inspired me to jump outside my comfort zone and work on off axis spins and flips. I had done a few backflips off backcountry jumps when I was younger and more daring. But attempting them on a park jump was WAY outside my comfort zone.
Look for me in the video at the top of the article ESPN wrote on Katal Inc, doing my first back flips on a park jump. I was extremely stoked to say the least!
The guys who invented this contraption are outstanding human beings and engineers! And the people who brought the "pad" to Mammoth and made it possible to train on it this spring are exceptional as well!
BIG thanks to Mammoth Mountain, Oren, Loz, Kristi, Aaron, Steve and Ryan for a fun and productive month!

Ryan's "movie trailer voice" for your viewing pleasure...

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