Monday, August 16, 2010

Sharing strength.


I know we all fight an inner battle with motivation... or at least many of us do.
Motivation to stop eating unhealthy, motivation to work out every morning, motivation to keep going through the motions of our day when we feel less then 100%.
What is it that keeps each of us going?

For me, my motivation in life is my passions. Passion for skiing, passion for dancing, passion for learning and teaching. The list goes on and on. Usually I would elaborate on this list, but today I want to flip it around.
I am interested to know what drives us... I am interested to know what drives you.

I was informed recently of an event this September to support a family battling Lyme Disease right here in Bellingham, WA (my home town.) I know from my own experience, that finding motivation when you have a painful disease can be a struggle. Any and all inspirations shared with me this year have helped tremendously.

I would like to ask anyone/everyone to write in with thoughts and inspirations for people going through hard times. This could be a poem, a quote, a photo, a story, anything works. For example, my friend Brittney sent me photos of her adorable dog to cheer me up. It not only made me smile but helped to put positive thoughts in my head. Positivity is one of the greatest healers.
My end goal is to compile a journal to share with others.
Please send entries to :

Thank you and I'm very excited to hear from you,

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