Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cycle for a Cause!

Billy Poole
Shane McConkey

I am getting involved in the Pacific Cycle for a Cause and want to spread word about the event.
The cycling rally will run through the month of October from Seattle, WA to San Diego, CA. Athletes and industry folk alike are dedicating their time and sweat to ride the coast for a great cause. All proceeds will go to the Billy Poole Ski Foundation, the Shane McConkey Fund and the Riley Poor Fund.
Billy and Shane were fellow skiers who passed this year in skiing related accidents and Riley a close friend and filming talent in the ski industry is recovering from a severe spinal cord injury.
I am very passionate about doing my part to make this event the most it can be. I am asking for your help in this mission.
For more information, to donate or get involved go to pacificcoastcycleforacause.com.

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